Driving Past Natanz, Home of Iran’s Nuclear Program (Book Excerpt)

With all of the news on Iran’s nuclear program and related sites, including the town of Natanz, here’s an excerpt from Axis of Evil Tour my brief trip through the area.

Today was to be nuke day – our short drive north from Esfahan to Kashan was going to take us right by Natanz, the home of the Iranian nuclear program. While many news reports from Iran cite Esfahan as the home, the actual nuke facilities are about 60 miles away, near the small city of Natanz.

We drove quickly north, seemingly the only people on the smooth new expressway, minus a couple of checkpoints. Leaving Esfahan we stopped for directions and found that checkpoints had become such a fixed part of the landscape they were even used for navigating, “drive down this road for a while until you come to the police checkpoint [not the other ones], then turn right.”

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