SK President Lee Visiting US; Obama Takes Him to … Detroit?

Got a chuckle at the first sentence in this article from today’s Times on SK President Lee’s visit to the U.S. – especially the part right after the word “treated”:

“During the state visit of South Korea’s president, Lee Myung-bak, which began on Wednesday, he will be feted at a White House state dinner, invited to speak to a joint session of Congress, and treated to a road trip to Detroit with President Obama, where the two leaders plan to tour a General Motors factory together.”

Having lived in South Korea, DC, and Detroit, I can think of a lot of places in the U.S. I’d take a visitor from the South. Of all of those places, “a road trip to Detroit” wouldn’t really make the list. Who knows though, maybe the President just really liked the Eminem ad for Chrysler.

Guess we’ll see what a visit to the D does for U.S.-SK relations.